Full stack principal developer, working at connectRN. Currently living in Tonawanda, NY.
Program Recognition Award
Second Place (Hackathon)
Earned second place at a the Boston Google Developer Group's hackathon as part of a team of four. The hackathon was centered around producing new and innovative Android Wear applications that utilize the unique form-factor of the system. My idea was to develop a watch application which would use the watch face to indicate where family/friends were located at a glance, particularly by utilizing the hands on a clock face to indicate people's positions and switching the hour marking to symbols easily associated with specific locations (home, shopping, school, etc.).
First Place (Hackathon)
Grand Prize Winner of city-wide hackathon working in a team of 4. As the developer of the group, I built a prototype of a system which was meant to maintain communication between local store operators and the clientele, notifying them when fresh food was available. The project was originally thought of as a potential solution to the problem of food deserts, areas where fresh food is not commonly available (rural/dense urban environments). This project utilized NodeJS (with Express on top) and the Twilio API to handle connections to end users through SMS, which maximizes outreach while lowering a potential barrier to entry.
Masters of Science
Computer Science
GPA: 3.9
Bachelors of Science
Computer Engineering
GPA: 3.8
This paper focused on the idea of Flow Permissions as an extension to Android's current Permission Mechanism. A Flow Permission is the existence of a code path from a Permission protected source, say the IMEI number, to a Sink where information can be leaked out, such as through the Network or SMS. My duty in the development of this paper was data parsing and and locating interesting statistics/anomalies.